Alliances: The vision of future fashion industry

In an industry known for its aggressively viable and fast moving spirit, designers, retailers, brands and manufacturers need to welcome collaborations in order to stay alive.

Alliances through high street retailers, as per WGSN report, has been a stimulating way for brands to strike into modern fashion – or a celebrity’s fashion statement of the time. So why do the industry biggies so resist a collaboration both at the fore front or the back-end of the businesses?

Alliances will always impact businesses on the whole from day one. From merchandise, sources, practices, trades, philosophy to maintaining the business. At every phase of the existing workflow, it becomes critical to look at more spontaneous, imaginative and collective interpretations for the teams involved.

The need for partnerships arises at the initial stages, where style and inspirations unite music, art, photography and consumer-led muse with marketing acumen, business practice and not to forget the ‘gut feeling’ for the magical mishmash: freshness and salability.

Brands that have methods or structures to enable partnerships build ethos of adding up and empowering effortlessly – finally resulting in the quality of merchandise. When players are given noticeable prominence, and have easy ways to collaborate, the way that merchandise created is well-organized and driven, with energies and facts brought to line and allocated promptly.

More so, the capacity for brands to buy merchandises that actually sell and do not end up on sale or in landfills, is a critical issue. Figures shown in various reports talk of brands like H&M destroying £28M of stock in FY 17/18, or the $38Bn dead stock projected in the US every year reveal the real costs.

Hence, there is a rudimentary prerequisite for organizations and alliances around the stocks utilized – currently, right from designs, samples, or even yarns etc. are stacked away into distinct divisions and saved as compendiums or records.

What is being overlooked by the industry by not creating its own ingenious partnerships, allowing the coordination instead of perplexing or protecting their own assets?

This organically takes us through an imperative and crucial want for an enduring evolution of the way we work and how have our past systems influenced on the sustainability of the fashion industry. Procedures that have steered the production means and yields have created havoc, not only on the climate but also transversely towards societies overhauling the fashion industry. Only if the digital age today has educated us on something, it is how much more answerable we have to be with the tangible resources that we have, along with the valuable means it takes to create them.

This subject has always been in question in the past on whether or not the end customers worry on how the reserves are utilized – Thank god it’s beginning to change. We all recognize that it is not for the user to choose how the industry works – it is for the industry to be preemptive and make mindful choices that will revolutionize the effect and after-effects of our ways of work. Fashion however is a global business that has always worked through pool resources at some point or the other. The potential of the Fashion industry is hinged onto the industry to take inter-business alliances to new statures – with new ambitions.

Gulbash Duggal

Associate Dean, ICF

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Our ICF orientation story began with the instant connection we had with our mentors and were immediately made comfortable. Everyone bonded over the fact that although ICF was a small campus, we were all just as lost and confused. It was fairly easy to make new friends during orientation because despite where we all came from, we were experiencing things we’ve never encountered before, together. Despite not getting a chance to get to know every single person at orientation at a personal level, we merely felt at ease when we later walked through campus and recognized those same friendly faces which we found kind and approachable.

Our first tryst with our future in the world of fashion started with a tête-à-tête with the Industry leaders, addressing our wondering thoughts on our careers in the fashion industry.

Excited about the experience, we stepped into the campus the next day greeted by the seniors, who were there to make our first day at the campus a flawless experience.

The entire week was well planned by our mentors to walk us through some Industry know-how, scenarios and networking with the professionals and our subject guides.

Day 1

Meena Balija

Ms. Meena Balija: Founder of Hand in Hand, visited as guest speaker for our first day of orientation week. We all were extremely delighted by her knowledge and thoughts. She very well explained how to start a business by pre-planning with the right resources. We all were very glad to have her gesture.

Day 2

We were blessed to have this day included in our orientation week. As it was Teacher’s Day we came to know about our college faculties better.

Altogether, it was a fun day with lots of dance, drama and determination.

Day 3

Praveen Tiwari

This day was more about interaction with our guest speaker and college faculties. Firstly, we had Mr. Shivraj, owner of Label AASK. He began the session by introducing himself and gave a brief on his label. Further up, we had an interactive session in which students asked questions which they had in their minds related to fashion and entrepreneurship.

Day 4

Vikas Malik

As we moved along time to our orientation week, it was more into creating enthusiasm. Firstly, we had Mr. Vikas Malik, the owner of label ‘House of Tara’, as our guest speaker today. He portrayed his journey in a very mesmerising manner that we all were charged with positive vibes. It will definitely help us to go through to all ups and downs in our entrepreneurial journey.

Next up, we had Mr. Praveen Tiwari, a weaving technologist, to introduce us to the textiles and how to identify them. Weaving was in the bloodline of their generations. He explained about Indian Handlooms and Power-looms with samples, he also introduced us to the varieties of textiles.

We enjoyed our orientation week. It was very learning and inspiring from all the guest speakers and faculties. Hope their words will be throughout with us in our own entrepreneurship journey as well.
Ananya Singh

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In the week of fashion’s orientation, the students are really excited to learn more and more! And like every year, ICF here gave it’s students a warm welcome. On the Monday of our orientation’s week, all the students went to Delhi Haat to learn, explore and find out what their stream of interest is. Students were really enthusiastic and curious to know about the product from the scratch till its final version. The outing was totally filled with explorations, observation and not to miss the shopping and food.


As they are the last generation of the 90s, they were supposed to give a presentation of their role models in fashion and were supposed to dress up like 90s. The fun part in the air of ICF was the appearance of students in 90s. They were literally in their role.


Manu Sachdeva

On Day 1, our newcomers met two renowned designers Manu Sachdeva and Bharti Mishra. Manu Sachdeva shared the journey of his designing career till now. The journey enlightened a lot about the struggle, hard work and the tasks the students will have to perform in their everyday life to grow in the fashion world. The session was really helpful for our students and even encouraged them a lot. Bharti Mishra, who is specialized in textiles, told them about the fabrics by relating the culture of India with the techniques and colors of our country.


Kriti Mehta

The second day was really enthusiastic and fun. Students met their own reality that how creative can they become and what can they do with their skills. Ms. Kriti Mehta, faculty of ICF, helped out the students to open up and to feel free with their ideas by a game named ‘GO ON’. The game was about to make something and hide it partially so that the second person continues it by creating something else. At the end of the day, they met a designer Mona Kapoor again with an interesting story.


Day 3 was fun to go out. Our newcomers went to the Doll Museum to explore the art in their surroundings with faculty with a heart of ‘let’s look something for fun’, Mrs. Sunita Chauhan. Apart from this, the guest speaker for the day was Ms. Oshana Kewal, Photographer and Multidisciplinary Designer. She graduated from NIFT Delhi in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in fashion communication. Ms. Kewal addressed the class with her experiences and gave a lot of tips regarding fashion.



Day 4 it was! This day was somewhere more special, as it was started by our Prof. Gulbash Duggal, again with a fun activity. The day went forward with a guest speaker  Mr. Mayank Sehgal, an ex-Pearlite, who has his own designer label. He explained a lot of interesting elements of the struggle of a designer’s life. The day ended well with a small talk by Mr. Vinod Kaul. He is a really experienced man in the industry and has worked with a lot of known brands like Louise Phillipe, FDCI, Benetton and more.

Day 5


The last day of the orientation week came up with a sunshine as the students got addressed by designers Ms. Sneha and Ms. Ankita. These designers ended up the orientation week with a bag full of knowledge for our newcomers.

We wish our newcomers all the very best for their journey with ICF and hope that they make the most out of the opportunities that they’re going to get in here and make ICF proud.

Ritika Raj
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Virasat- the heritage

‘Virasat- the heritage’, was held on 14th September 2018 at the FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of commerce and industry) auditorium. It was an honour to be a part of the Global Skill Summit. As the name suggests, this event was all about the heritage and culture and how the culture has developed into an empowerment by providing a number of jobs to the poor people and by utilising their creative skills and dedication towards the work. Mrs. Shobha Mishra inaugurated the event with her informative speech.

Further recognising the importance of creating more livelihood opportunities, FICCI skill development committee under the leadership of Mr.T.V. Mohandas Pai, chairman FICCI skill development committee, and Chairman Manipal Global education took the initiative to study select clusters in India and presented a report on Cluster-based models of job creation. After that, the theme and concept of the whole programme were elucidated by Ms. Pritha Dutt (director of empower Pragati) and Ms. Meghna Mishra (CEO, rubber skill development council), both the dignitaries pivoted the topic Cluster Development. We were briefed about how to set aspirational distinctions benchmarks to make a Poverty Element Tool that can create jobs. Likewise, other cluster leaders shared their experiences which were really motivating and inspiring for us. There was an exhibition as well wherein they presented different art and craft work by different states like ‘Kolhapuri chappals‘, ‘Madhubani paintings’, ‘Bamboo jewelry’

Reputed designers like Rahul Mishra and the member from the house of Anita Dongree shared their presentation on the powerful topics like manufacturing process getting diluted and providing employment to the needy and poor population of the rural areas respectively. Rahul Mishra also focused on how hand embroidery is different from machine embroidery and handloom v/s power loom.  Further up, Mr. Asad Kamal Iraqi carried on by telling us about the fast-growing leather industry which has one of the youngest workforce along with modernised manufacturing units which gives strong and eco-sustainable training case.

The event was also attended by other delegates from industry, service providers, international partners, multilateral and bilateral agencies and all key stakeholders.

The active participation of listeners and speakers was really informative and with distinguished speakers and guests like Mr. Bijay Sahoo, President HR, Reliance industries, it was an ocean of exposure, learning, and knowledge for us. Towards the end, a heart touching, soulful performance given by Sufi singers of Shadaj band was the icing on the cake.

Renuka Sharma and Akansha Chhokar
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ur textile faculty from ICF Ms. Bharti Mishra took the onus of taking the entire batch of MBA and BBA to a fascinating art of block printing. The session took place at Sarai Kale Khan where a team of artisans were performing this art for ages. We were briefed by artisans on how to do this art.

Further, we were separated into groups to do practical.

Materials we needed were:

  •  A few bowls or trays
  • Sponges (washing up sponges or ones used for car washing will do)
  • Table for printing
  • Carpet underlay or foam
  • Felt
  • Fabric – for natural dyes, use natural fabrics such as cotton, silk. For synthetic dyes, you can use any fabrics. Wool is not an ideal fabric for printing on as it does not produce a crisp outline
  • Textile paints or natural dyes mixed with the thickener

Artisans  directions :

  1. You need a table to pin your fabric to for printing. I used a simple wooden table to which I then stapled a piece of carpet underlay, a piece of baize felt (any felt will probably do), and a piece of calico cotton over the top.  Make sure each layer is tightly stretched over the table. This construction allows for an even, firm printing surface that you can tightly pin your fabric to.
  2. Pin your piece of fabric onto the covered table making sure the fabric is ironed and pinned flat.
  3. Squeeze out a blob of fabric paint or dye into a tray and dab the sponge into it ensuring the dye covers the sponge. You could also paint the dye over the sponge with a brush to ensure it is completely covered and soaks into the sponge.
  4. Press the block firmly into the sponge as many times as needed to ensure the colour covers the block completely.
  5. Press the block firmly onto the fabric with even pressure. Hold for a few seconds and carefully remove.
  6. Continue to print in a variety of colours, compositions, and repeats letting your creativity run away with you.
  7. Fixing the print will depend on the manufacturer. A common method is to iron on the reverse. For natural dyes, iron on the reverse, and then rinse in alternating temperatures of water with detergent.
  8. Clean the blocks by rinsing them in warm water and scrubbing with a bristle brush or toothbrush.

By keeping all the directions in mind, we choose different colors and blocks and made our own samples.



We  thank Ms. Bharti Mishra ma’am for giving us throughout support. It was fun and learning at the same time.

Waiting for many further sessions to explore more …… !

Ananya Singh
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A Time When Youtube has Changed Everything

“I was one of those kids who was just always on the internet, always on YouTube, so it was easy for me to do
it. It’s not work. It’s just fun. “ ~Shawn Mendes.

That is so true, YouTube has changed everything! Even my life in particular… before the internet there was a particular time to watch any tv show or a movie now we have the ability to watch it anywhere, anytime it’s just on the tips of our fingers.
It’s just crazy to realize it…


I came across this channel called Safia Nygaard on youtube lead by Safiya Nygaard herself with the help of her boyfriend Tyler. She uploads videos related to fashion, online shopping, make up and aspects which attract the millennial. Her personality is really admirable and I just love her work. *Safia has a interesting way of seeing
things and testing out things. She puts humor in her videos and tries crazy stuff on her channel but it shows great deal of content in it.
The information in her videos help fashion students like me to know about the history of a particular trend or a particular time period, which is fun to watch. She also has an interesting intro part in some videos where she goes with “hellooooo frandzzz”. It is always fun to watch her videos, get information and get to know facts about not only fashion but also make up, what stuff to buy online and what not to and many more.
Overall her videos are worth giving a try because they are humorous, entertaining and at the same time informative.


justineThis channel Justine leconte officiel is a perfect example for saying that the internet/youtube is not only for entertainment but also for educational purpose.
Owned by a French fashion designer, this channel mainly focuses on the young fashion students to improve their skills. She has various type of videos where she explains the fashion trends, portfolios, forecasting and a lot of other stuff related to fashion and her journey in the fashion industry.
Her channel is basically a one-stop destination for fashion students like me. She also owns an e-commerce store. I really like this channel, Though she doesn’t have a huge following as of now, the video content is very informative and helpful for fashion students.

-Sai Keerthi Telidevra

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Careers in Fashion Design

Beyond the stylish lifestyle, all the glamour and fame, the fashion industry proves to be quite fiercely competitive and challenging around the corner. Studying design is challenging but also rewarding. Design degree courses equip you with an ideal combination of both practical and theoretical skills. The majority of design graduates specialize in a specific area – for example 2D or 3D-design, product or web design, fashion or textiles, or photography these courses that give a broad overview of the design process. Design degrees now recognize the diversity of the creative industry and allow students to develop strong creative skills while exploring their own desired sensibilities.

Fashion market is booming and spreading its wings beyond traditional careers. The career prospects are now cutting across communications and marketing in fashion, apart from the core work of designing and manufacturing. The industry has seen a metamorphosis in the past few decades owing to brand awareness, consumerism and increase in disposable incomes. This scenario has resulted in more and more young people opting for different streams in fashion. While there are more avenues in jobs, there is a plethora of courses available both at vocational and scholarly level. There are inventions and innovations in fashion industry which are changing the old school ways and making it an excited and fulfilling career option.

Being a designer is obviously one of the most visible roles you can have in the industry that requires talent and skills. Every designer follows a design process which includes exploration and research. The original idea is sketched on paper to begin with it. The garment construction involves understanding the art of pattern making, stitching and of course proper fittings. Modifications of designs and patterns are done with the help of mocks and toiles. The final garment is then cut out on the original fabric and thus a design is completed.

Fashion designers in a production unit can specialize in producing certain types of clothes in a wide range of styles and fabrics, e.g., jeans, jackets, children’s wear, men’s wear, women’s wear, knitwear, sportswear, etc. where production is at a large scale with low costs.

Production Management is the front line of fashion. Production managers are responsible for getting textiles and clothing made at the manufacturing level. They work with suppliers and retailers to make sure quality production is attained. This field has potential to be challenging and exciting at the same time. There is a challenge to manufacture within the given resources without any wastage keeping in mind the design aspect also. Some fashion schools offer Production Management as a degree option. The job requires some business training and one should have the inclination towards understanding how things are made.

 It’s a huge industry with multitude of jobs available for design students as per their personal interests, inclinations and fortes. Some of the most lucrative and interesting opportunities in the field of fashion today apart from the main stream designer and production jobs are Fashion Marketing, Retail & Fashion Consultant, Fashion styling and Visual Presentation, Fashion Journalism, Fashion Forecasting, Fashion Advertising etc.

Fashion Merchandising/Sales and Marketing is where design and business intersect. Designers ultimately need to get their product to the market. Merchandisers track and monitor fashion trends and consumer trends. A head for numbers and a ton of creativity are non-negotiable. There are many options that fall under the merchandising umbrella. While this is an under-appreciated career path, one can make decent money and get enough knowledge of a multitude of brands, marketing strategies, and how to manage people.

Fashion Forecasting is a global career that focuses on upcoming trends. A fashion forecaster predicts the colors, fabrics, textures, materials, prints, graphics, beauty/grooming, accessories, footwear, street style, and other styles that will be presented on the runway and in the stores for the upcoming seasons.

Fashion Advertising might be the one for those with artsy and creative minds. Fashion Advertising in today’s time is the juggernaut that never stops. There is an opportunity to work at a corporate level as well as at the retail level. Visual Presentation and Styling are although two separate but potentially overlapping professions. In terms of visibility, styling is on the rise as a profession. Besides a degree in Fashion having some understanding of numbers, business, communication, internships and networking are probably more important in styling than in the other professions. Visual presentation requires a creative, dramatic and theatrical thinking. Store windows are only one of many options for visual presentation. Museum exhibits, fashion shows, and showrooms all use this technique. There are specialty degrees at art and fashion schools specifically for visual presentation. It is about storytelling in three dimensions, creating environments that inspire, inform, and persuade.

 Fashion Journalism is combination of passion for writing and fashion. It is the perfect opportunity to report what’s happening in the world of fashion. Magazines are expanding their online presence and hiring bloggers to report up-to-the minute news. There are requirements for fashion bloggers to write for e-commerce sites, PR firms, or trade publications. Creative writing, industry insight, proper research, rhetorical & interviewing skills and capability to network with industry experts etc. are the key requirements for a successful career in the field of Fashion Journalism.

Some of the most exciting opportunities are to work in the retail sector. Fashion retail offers fashion graduates a diverse range of career paths from roles in management to jobs in purchasing, merchandising and supply/logistics. Many retailers offer graduate training programs, and offer managerial positions with a prior three-to-five years’ experience. Retailers also offer positions to graduates from many backgrounds in creative arts and design. Preferred skills that are important in the fashion retail sector are relationship management and a strong customer service ethic. It is also vital to update oneself with current trends, keep a quick check on how retailers market and sell. The basic source to derive all updates knowledge is through reading relevant blogs and magazines.

In this competitive world of fashion being creative and artistic is not enough as one is expected to be original and inventive with ideas. Sensibilities in terms of colors, silhouettes, conceptualization etc. is of utmost importance. Designers are required to equip themselves with the ability to visualize their ideas in three dimensions and to also translate into garments. Design industry demands one to be a good communicator, goal oriented, observant, persuasive, fashion conscious, resilient and also have a clear understanding of the market, customer lifestyle and business acumen.

India, today, is at the forefront of fashion manufacturing and production. The industry is catching up with all fashion brands across the globe. The future will likely see brands originating from India, manufactured in India, and being adopted by the West with added impetus from the Make in India campaign and other fashion innovations. The year 2050 will see at least two dozen fashion brands from India with well-established worldwide distribution and retail. Fashion industry is poised to be more than just about appearances. With technology and innovation, it is reaching new levels and setting higher standards subsequently.

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Why Choose Career In Fashion Designing Field

In this modern society, success is a significant aspect of everybody’s being.  The fashion designing is an art whereby that you make new clothes where folks would wear and also appear although much more beautiful. The new trend setting sector is amid one of important rapid paced industries, offering a wide-ranging job possibility to those individuals that are innovative geniuses as well as possess ability for the fashion.  While your most like game is your youth was making clothes for your lovely toys and also making innovative alters in your very own apparel, and then we imagine folks such as you are those which is destined to become a fashion designer. The career in fashion designing course has been appreciated a better deal for decades.  Have you ever imaging of doing fashion designing courses?  The industry would provide an amount of career choices in the future. The fashion designing is not limited to developing clothes, however, also provides you a break into several some other industries which can include jewellery and some other accessories.

Needs for Fashion designing courses

Everybody is familiar along with the factual where there are multiple fields within the fashion design sector. Hence, it is always superior for you to obtain a degree in any of the highly specialized streams from a high established fashion design college. If you are puzzled to select out leading colleges then just prefer International College of Fashion to obtain fashion designing courses.  Though performing course in the leading one, you will get an opportunity to safe a job in your highly preferred fashion designs studio.  Few of the broader streams that are extremely recognized within the fashion designing sector comprise marketing, accessories, costume designing, etc.  It is beneficial to get a experts degree from an accredited fashion design colleges.

Advantages of fashion designing courses

The graduating from the international college of fashion plays an important role in improving the opportunities of acquiring a job in a foremost fashion designing colleges. If you determine more than two specializations, you can club the marketing as well as merchandise to include credit to the worth of the job profile.  At the time of your course duration, you will teach efficient sketching thoughts, fitting completes garments, cutting & drawing pater as well as implementing your innovative talents to come up along with new designs.  If fact, you will able to get both experience and also knowledge through enrolling along with an experts fashion design college.  To further improve your career, then you can function as a support to the foremost designer. Through closely watching them, then you can easily adopt few talents from those professional specialized team. Once, if you have to get a degree from the leading above College them you will get an opportunity to hire by the foremost fashion designing firms is much greater.  The only major thing you need to do is just, prefer the reputed and well suitable colleges to get bright future.

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Choose The Leading College To Build Your Career In Fashion Designing

Fashion designing is one of the most popular and highly preferred career options for students who want to get a bright and stunning career. The most outstanding and superior field not only bring certain benefits but also allows fashion designers to get surprising employment opportunities in their desired fashion designing company or other organizations. This most reliable includes an extensive range of employment opportunities, so you can utilize this excellent career option without any hesitation. If you want to become a professional fashion designer, you need to increase your innovative skills. There are several ways available to boost your creativity, but the specially designed fashion designing course make the process much effective. If you want to get the professional education, you can hire the most reliable and leading educational institution like International College of Fashion Designing. The trustworthy educational institution not only provides you the quality education but also brings you an excellent opportunity to get a nice career in fashion designing. If you want to get the benefits, you can immediately join the effective fashion designing college.

Surprising Career Options
Now, most of the individuals love to use fashion jewelry and accessories. Due to this, the demand for new types of fashion accessories as well as jewelry is increasing more and more. In order to satisfy the buying requirements, the fashion designing field looks for the professional and qualified fashion designer who has the capability to invent new types of fashionable products. If you want to get a fantastic chance to prove your innovative and creative skills, you can get the proper certification.The International College of Fashion Designing not only offers you professional fashion designing courses but also helps you to get a proper certification after completing the course.  The topmost fashion designing college offers lots of degree program and diploma courses, so you can choose the right one as per your own desire.

Get Your Desired Job Easily
The smart course selection lets you boost your creative knowledge in an exceptional manner. If you have some precise skills to produce the new designs, you can get a job in the leading company easily. The precise design will surely increase the profit of your company. Consequently, you can get promotion and high salary. By using this excellent way, you can speed up your career growth easily.In order to get these conveniences, you can immediately join the most effective and outstanding fashion designing college which create a strong bridge to connect the professionals to the fashion designing industry.Along with this, International College of Fashion ( Designing also offers you various types of fashion designing courses and different course timings, so you can choose the right one based on your life schedule. When you hire the leading educational institution, you can easily learn the latest concepts and techniques available in this present fashion designing industry. These are the precise and useful skills that help you to reach your goal and achieve a stunning career in this fashion designing field.

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Learn Fashion Designing Courses To Get Bright Career

Fashion design is mainly applied art devoted to the designing of outfits as well as lifestyle accessories. In fact, this art is manipulated by social & cultural attitude and has progressed over period & place.  The fashion designing has comes to a very long approach from the designer clothes worn by the royalty of the ancient globe to the haute couture brands of the present.  Nowadays, most of the young youth are highly interested in learning fashion designing courses. In fact, they also would like to shine and get a unique place on the fashion designing world.  If you are also eager to study fashion designing course and it is necessary for you to choose the reputed platform to get a bright career in fashion designing sector.  There is several numbers of fashion designing institutions are available. Apart from that, you have to pick the right one which provides you a first class fashion designing education in an excellent manner.

Skills required

  The fashion designing is one of the great appealing, exciting, lucrative and glamorous career choices in a nowadays globe. If you have a penchant for style, imagination, a career in fashion designing is the one tailor which is made for you. On one side, the fashion industry fulfills both materialistic and innovative fancies requirements of the folks. In fact, it also promises glamour, success, fame as well as high pay packages to the highly skilled individuals.  Therefore, this is also one of the demanding careers, as fashion designers require merging their managerial & creativity talents to sustain in this particular sector.  If you can make a magic along with colors, designs, and shapes and then simply get a professional course to start a successful career in the alluring globe of fashion designing.

Is it is the proper career for you?

 A career in fashion designing is the correct for you if you are skilled as well as exude style in an entire thing you perform. You should also possess the capability be original along with imaginative and also live to create folks appears good.  In addition, you should also be artistic adequate to merge shades, textures, shades & express your thoughts throughout sketches.   Of course, you should also imagine patterns, designs, accessories, garments and also enjoy functioning along with fabrics & accessories.  Thus, if you have all these things and much more in you then you can put a step forward into the arena of fashion designing world.

Employment Opportunities

 Here are the different regions of employment opportunities for career in fashion designing such as,

  • Haut couture and teaching design
  • With film productions units
  • TV, film fashion program producers
  • Costume designer and many more

You will commonly function for high street retailers or else independent fashion houses.   And also, once you have created the required skills for fashion designer and then you can also progress to positions like senior designer, design director and head of a department. Hence, apart from these, there is also much more additional career in fashion designing accessible for you to get a very good bright future.

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