
The brand has majorly focused on petite sizes with their signature style in every collection. Like every other collection of the brand, Forever 21’s new collection also has their signature silhouettes and a-line designs. Didn’t see a lot of change there. Despite of familiar silhouettes, the brand manages to attract a lot of teenagers. Their presentation and display helps the brand a lot in attracting customer. They has also starting focusing a little more on their sizes. No matter how attractive their collection is, it’s a little difficult to find sizes like XL and XXL.


Capturing the Indian market pretty well in the least amount of time, H&M offers a wide range of products for all the age groups transforming itself to make the company even more c customer-driven, efficient and flexible. H&M has always offered a wide variety in terms of design, prints and silhouettes. Not following the stereotype, the brand works with a lot of different silhouettes, prints and a lot of layering.. The autumn winter collection screams comfort on the very first look of it. Baggy multi-purpose jackets, patterned dresses, jumpsuit, calflength skirts and shirt dresses, wide trousers, trench coats, lace lingerie. All this in an assortment of exotic prints with a color palette of pastels and nudes. The clothes are very eye catching and appealing to all types of audience that goes there but there is nothing new when it comes to accessories. The accessories from SS 18 still continues in AW18. Muskan Agrwal BBA- FE (2017-20)

Denim Hues

Colour takes on a split direction this season, with both fresh, fun pastels and super punchy brights having equal importance for womenswear. Perennial navy hues shift and appear increasingly casual. This movement counters how true denim categories are smartening up and becoming enriched and sharper. These faded, laundered denim-like tones move into the fashion space for cotton wovens and lighter-gauge knits. Complementing deep indigos, softer blues are styled together to create a tonal, layered and sophisticated feel. Prof. Gulbash Duggal Associate Dean, ICF

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