
Most of the people believe that only if we have a good hand on paper(artwork), we can become good designer. People judge designing by the skills of their hand and not with their imaginations, but it’s true that this is a crystal clear myth. To become a good designer, there’s no requirement to be good enough with the shades, colors, proportion, anatomy, etc; it’s just that you have to be good and creative enough with your thought. The more they will be ingenious, the more you will be able to make-believe it better on paper. This dilemma that people have in their mind sometimes create a barrier between their ideas and it’s implementation. Moreover, their confidence also gets affected by the same.


It is necessary to have one signature style that defines you and that could be your own stylized croquis. It could have:

•Different skin colors
•Different strokes
•Various proportion
•Various accessories
•Various features
•Various foot wears
•Various hairstyles
•Various backgrounds
•Various captions, and more


With these kind of techniques and textures you can implement and define your own language towards design and illustration with your own sense of style. Every designer and person in himself has to be different with his own specialized skill set and this could a trademark and signature style as well. It depends how you promote and advertise yourself.
So the dilemma is gone far away now and the focus should be more on design, fabric, color, forecast, implementation and promotions for it.
Journaling every second thought will help your grow more towards the design and to express yourself as well. Designers today are not only designers; they are artists, poets, tourists, travelers and much more. They don’t have only one role, there are thousands of them and each one of it has to be described and expressed at it’s best on the paper. That’s how it will help find special identity in a designer.

Simran Dhingra


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