Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing Fashion Design College in India

Are you planning to join a fashion design college in India? It is a big career decision and would have a bearing on your future prospects. While there is no dearth of colleges that are offering these courses making the wrong choice can cast a spell of doom on your career. A large number of students make mistakes at this crucial juncture and jeopardize their future prospects. Here we take a look at some mistakes that you must avoid while choosing a college for learning fashion designing.

Rushing In
Have you done considerable background search on the institution? What are the courses it offers? What about its placement record? Till you know all these making a choice would be suicidal. You need to understand that finding the right college takes time and effort on your side. So if you have decided to study fashion designing it would be worth doing a background research on the college before zeroing on it. It is advisable that you give this process about three months’ time to make a wise decision.

Being A Follower
In India many students end up studying in a college or opting for a course program just following their friends. This is equivalent to eating based on someone else’s preferences. You have your own career goals, passion and interest and shouldn’t follow someone’s decision until it fits your interests in toto. Whether you join an engineering or fashion design college in India, the decision should come from within and shouldn’t be influenced by the choice others make.

Studying About Anywhere
Let’s put the point straight, fashion designing and marketing are very practical oriented courses. So you will need to be constantly in touch with the industry. You need to regularly attend different events and undergo internship programs to polish your skills and knowledge. This isn’t quite possible if you are studying in a remote corner of the country. While you may develop good academic knowledge you would lack in terms of hands-on experience. Enrolling in a college in Delhi or any other big city in India can add to your career prospects.

Choice Based on Course Fee
If you lack adequate financial resources it is common for you to choose a college where the fee for the program seems to be low and attractive. But what you are taught and how much you learn during the course would decide your future in the competitive industry. Never compromise on the reputation or the course program merely based on the fee structure.  Public and private sector banks offer loans at attractive interest rates and you should make the most out of them.

Making Assumptions
If you have had average grades all throughout you often don’t apply to the top fashion design college in India assuming you won’t get admission. This is a big mistake as most colleges tend to take in students based on their own tests and personal interviews. Your past academic record is of little significance if you have the minimum qualifying marks.

You must avoid these mistakes at every cost while enrolling in a fashion designing college.

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