In the week of fashion’s orientation, the students are really excited to learn more and more! And like every year, ICF here gave it’s students a warm welcome. On the Monday of our orientation’s week, all the students went to Delhi Haat to learn, explore and find out what their stream of interest is. Students were really enthusiastic and curious to know about the product from the scratch till its final version. The outing was totally filled with explorations, observation and not to miss the shopping and food.


As they are the last generation of the 90s, they were supposed to give a presentation of their role models in fashion and were supposed to dress up like 90s. The fun part in the air of ICF was the appearance of students in 90s. They were literally in their role.


Manu Sachdeva

On Day 1, our newcomers met two renowned designers Manu Sachdeva and Bharti Mishra. Manu Sachdeva shared the journey of his designing career till now. The journey enlightened a lot about the struggle, hard work and the tasks the students will have to perform in their everyday life to grow in the fashion world. The session was really helpful for our students and even encouraged them a lot. Bharti Mishra, who is specialized in textiles, told them about the fabrics by relating the culture of India with the techniques and colors of our country.


Kriti Mehta

The second day was really enthusiastic and fun. Students met their own reality that how creative can they become and what can they do with their skills. Ms. Kriti Mehta, faculty of ICF, helped out the students to open up and to feel free with their ideas by a game named ‘GO ON’. The game was about to make something and hide it partially so that the second person continues it by creating something else. At the end of the day, they met a designer Mona Kapoor again with an interesting story.


Day 3 was fun to go out. Our newcomers went to the Doll Museum to explore the art in their surroundings with faculty with a heart of ‘let’s look something for fun’, Mrs. Sunita Chauhan. Apart from this, the guest speaker for the day was Ms. Oshana Kewal, Photographer and Multidisciplinary Designer. She graduated from NIFT Delhi in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in fashion communication. Ms. Kewal addressed the class with her experiences and gave a lot of tips regarding fashion.



Day 4 it was! This day was somewhere more special, as it was started by our Prof. Gulbash Duggal, again with a fun activity. The day went forward with a guest speaker  Mr. Mayank Sehgal, an ex-Pearlite, who has his own designer label. He explained a lot of interesting elements of the struggle of a designer’s life. The day ended well with a small talk by Mr. Vinod Kaul. He is a really experienced man in the industry and has worked with a lot of known brands like Louise Phillipe, FDCI, Benetton and more.

Day 5


The last day of the orientation week came up with a sunshine as the students got addressed by designers Ms. Sneha and Ms. Ankita. These designers ended up the orientation week with a bag full of knowledge for our newcomers.

We wish our newcomers all the very best for their journey with ICF and hope that they make the most out of the opportunities that they’re going to get in here and make ICF proud.

Ritika Raj
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