Style our hair with Twist Knot Headbands

If there’s anything that’s equally important for a perfect picture, a flawless social media look or even a feel-good factor then it’s undoubtedly the way you style your hair. Your hair is the extension of your personality deserves all the time and care required to strike a chord.


Just like the quality of salt doing so much for the dish and remaining in the background, styling your hair simply with quirky trending accessories helps you bag fawning adorations and adulations.

Twisting your everyday look, the trends that are popping up everywhere and has become “the must-have for all casual affairs” is the knotted headbands, cut out for mastering retro style.


These effortlessly cool bands can be donned with so much ease giving a high style quotient to your overall look. These are cute, hip, and chic and definitely fly for nailing summer attires.

They run in a huge variety from ordinary to extraordinary, from velvets to houndstooth, from polka dots to Sequined Kitsch, leaving us with a plethora of options to explore our styling sensibilities.

polka dot

These fun bands are also very simple DIYs, all you need is any knit/ woven fabric, your basic sewing supplies, a few stitch lines here and there following some simple instructions and adding the final finishing touch with a knot at the end, making this accessory a fashion staple of your style wardrobe.

Peeping in the past tells us, these “full of beans” twisted knot bands have made a huge comeback from the trends of the ’80s. Sundresses, casual denim or even cruise wear, twisted turban bands have worked well with almost everything, making “everyday good hair day” possible even retrospectively.

Kriti Mehta
Fashion Faculty
International College of Fashion

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