Time is Ripe to Enroll in a Fashion Designing College in India

Have you ever aspired for a career in the fashion industry? While the glamour and the chance to express your creativity would attract you, there is always some apprehension regarding career in this industry. This apprehension comes from the fact that unlike a career in IT or the Finance industry, you don’t come across too many newspaper advertisements looking to hire a designer or a fashion marketer. To clear all doubts and apprehensions, thousands of youngsters find employment in these industries. Unlike the Finance or IT industry, the demand in terms of the head count in less and hence most of the designers and marketers are picked up from the college campus. It goes without saying that if you enroll into a good fashion designing college in India you would enjoy a rewarding career.

Get It Right 
Before we talk about the demand and opportunities in the fashion design industry, we must stress on the benefits of quality education and training. As you may be aware, the fashion designing industry is fast changing hence as a student you need to be updated with the latest trends and dynamics. A reputable fashion training institute would prepare you for all the challenges in the industry. Apart from designing you would learn to prepare a marketing strategy, overcome hurdles and be innovative with your selling skills. Fashion designing courses stress on hands-on training and you would have the chance to intern with the leading brands and designers in the country.

# Growing Domestic Demand – The domestic demand for clothing and accessories is growing at a phenomenal rate. This is a direct benefit of India’s fast growing middle class population. With majority of the population below the age of 35, the fashion industry has a demographical advantage compared to other parts of the world.

# Fashion Conscious Society               
Continuing with the previous point, Indians are increasingly becoming fashion conscious. Internet, television and other types of imagery have made people even in the hinterland conscious of what they wear. The old clothing stores are giving way to swanky malls where people can shop for their favorite brands and designers outfits.

# Global Markets Opening Doors – India had always been famous for its handloom and raw materials in the West, but in the last few years we are increasingly witnessing the demand for outfits from India. Whether in the streets of Milan or New York, you would come across Indian stores selling clothing and accessories which are made in India and sold to the world.

# Lust For Designer Clothing – A good section of the India consumers are switching to designer clothing over the off the shelf products available in the market. Be it a birthday celebration or the ‘Grand India Wedding’ there is a huge demand for designer wear which are custom made to suit the style of the person concerned. It is a very lucrative option for a designer as the profits are humongous for these outfits.

All these point in one direction that the Indian fashion industry is likely to witness a huge revolution in the coming years and it is just the right time for you to train and enter the market.

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